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Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Is How We Dream

This video and speech never reached a point, in my opinion. After watching and listening several times, I am still not sure of the purpose of it. I understand that it was encouraging us to write using media applications, but it never gave any ideas or examples. It also seemed to me that the speech had nothing to do with what was being shown in the video. I feel like the two should have been separated.

I do feel that I am prepared to make my classroom a watching/listening environment. I know that I personally get tired of reading books and basically re-writing what it says for an assignment or a test. The times are changing at a fast pace, and books and paper just do not cut it for today's students. Students are more apt to pay attention to a presentation on a SmartBoard rather than reading a book, because technology is what their lifestyles and culture is now centered upon.

It does seem that Dr. Miller and his crew feel strongly on this idea, and have done a lot of research to support it, and I give him kudos for that. A lot of teachers are simply stuck in their ways and think change is a bad idea. It takes people like Dr. Miller to create videos and give speeches to get the word and the information out there, so change can happen.