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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Use of Multimedia in Special Education

I will be going into the field of Special Education, primarily early childhood. I plan to use everything in my classroom that I have learned in EDM 310. I feel the tools we have been introduced to are excellent and so valuable, and are quickly taking over education. A lot of people may argue that early childhood may be too young to introduce technology, but I disagree. Some also might argue that certain resources might not benefit in SPE, but I also disagree.

What do you think?

I feel that blogging is such an amazing resource to help children develop critical thinking skills. Parents and some teachers are so fearful of the internet, and yes it has its faults, but overall it is a great tool for education. I know that I will encounter many parents who do not want their young child using the internet, but I plan to research and educate parents on the safe use of the internet we will be using. I think that as long as I am monitoring my students' use, then there is no harm done.

I think that blogging helps kids to think for themselves at a young age.

For my SPE students, I think that tools such as virtual worlds and Second Life would be beneficial. It will be a great occupational therapy tool because students can view and be a part of a person living an everyday life. These tools will also spark their creativity senses and let them explore their own feelings and views. I also feel that internet use will help my SPE students feel like they are living a normal life. These kids often feel like they are not good enough to fit in with other students, and this will give them a way to connect to the rest of the world. Hopefully it will open their eyes to the many opportunities in life, despite any disability. I hope to participate my students in Comments4Kids. The kids who are a part of this program are getting amazing benefits from it; I think that my SPE students will probably enjoy the confidence that they will gain from it.