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Sunday, January 17, 2010

"She's Not Sick, She's a Dancer."

Snaps for you, Ken Robinson.

Man oh man, this guy is great. Not only is he a hoot to watch, he is bold, brave, and well, creative! I could not have agreed with this man more, being that I have danced for going on nineteen years now. When I think back to my elementary education, I only remember the creative learning experiences. I do not recall sitting in my desk reading about Columbus sailing the ocean blue, but I do remember going to my dance class and learning how to do a grande jete for the first time. I think the important thing is not that we replace the hierarchy of subjects, but that we incorporate and customize our teaching strategies with creative and unordinary forms of learning for our students.

I think Mr. Robinson was brilliant when saying that we are educated out of being wrong. I agree with him in that being wrong and being creative go hand in hand. As a society, we would never discover new ideas, new products, etc., if we had never failed at a task. I think it is beyond vital that we take time out of the day of planned materials and readings to let our children CREATE, to let them explore the movement of their bodies, the movement of a paint brush, and just simply, the movement of their minds.